Sunday, May 15, 2011


Pinestar (or Anna) here. Chilepanda, I am very sorry that your grandmother died a few days ago.

Death can be very hard to deal with. I remember when my grandmother died this January. It was one of the hardest times of my life. It's difficult knowing someone your entire life, and then BAM! They're gone forever.

My friend's big brother's best friend died at the age of 15 in his dorm room. It hit her hard - she had known him since she was 4 years old.

Amber's favorite hockey player, Derek Boogaard, died at the age of 28 in his apartment. He was a great hockey player that was beloved by all Minnesotans.

Death occurs every where - did you know that someone dies every 2 seconds? But the best way to deal with death is to remember that whoever died wouldn't want us to be sad that they died; they would want us to be happy that they were born in the first place, and that they made an impact on our lives.

Someone close to you die? Don't be depressed; celebrate their lives.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Touch

Hi! It's Chilepanda! I just though I'd make a little post for mothers day! Mother are so extremely special and important. If only there was a perfect way to show our mothers how much we love them. I wanted to get her something, but she told me she only wanted a letter from me and my siblings. I wrote down everything I love about her.

Now it's your guys' turn. Comment on this post to share how much your mother means to you! Maybe even share ideas of present that you can give her. I remember last year I gave her a bush of flowers called bleeding hearts. :D Chilepanda out!


Friday, May 6, 2011


Hello - Pinestar here! Today something happened that inspired a new post.

Well, just 30 minutes ago, my friends and I were going on the subway. Somehow, my friend and I ended up in one car, and my other friend ended up in another! So when we got to the next stop, my friend and I rushed out to switch cars. Turns out that my other friend had the same idea - and we crashed into each other! Luckily, we managed to stumble our way into the subway before the doors closed, and I accidentally pushed two girls on my way.

Turns out that these girls were LUNATICS. I heard one of them mutter, "If she ever pushes me again, I swear I will punch her in the face." A few moments later, the other one turned to my friend and snarled, "You want to roll your eyes at me again?"

Of course my friend (who has GOT to be the nicest person on Earth) said, "I'm not," to which the girl replied, "You better not be."

At this point I was VERY angry, but because I love my face so much, I decided not to say anything. Instead, I buried my face in my phone and showed my friends random pictures on it. One of my friends murmured, "Anna, put your phone down NOW. This is not the time."

But was I going to let these girls bully me into standing there like a wimp, trembling on my legs? NO. So I answered, "No. I'm not going to," and kept pointing out pictures.

The girls got off at the next stop *thank GOD* and we were "safe." But that didn't mean we weren't annoyed.

Bullying has become an increasingly difficult problem in the United States. Some kids have even killed themselves over it. Being bullied? Well, I know it can be hard, but don't commit suicide. The trick is to be strong. If the bullies sense that you're weak, they'll gain more power. But you have to stand on your own two feet.

Now, don't go OVERBOARD. If my friend had said, "So what if I was rolling my eyes? What you going to do about it?" instead of "I'm not," she probably would have a large bruise on her jawbone right about now. But she didn't, because she (in fact, all three of us) chose to be the better person. We didn't stoop to their level and start a random fistfight in the middle of the subway car. Instead, we decided that we were going to use the GOLDEN RULE...which most of you have probably heard of. Treat others how you would want to be treated.

Yeah, yeah, it can get annoying, especially when people aren't treating you the way you KNOW you would want to be treated. But remember, stay strong. Be the bigger person. Bullying shouldn't be an oppurtunity to crumble to the ground...It should be a chance for you to build yourself back up.

**Pinestar** (or Ammie)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Divorce troubles

Chilepanda again :D I just got a good idea to kinda help out anyone going through a divorce. My parents got divorced, so I know quite a bit about it. I know it seems preposterous that you're parents are separating, but it's for the better. Here's a list of things that help you get through it:

1. Tell yourself that your parents are doing it for the better.
2. Think about how your parents are happier now.
3. Tell yourself it's better than having them together and fighting all the time.
4. Don't mope about it all the time. It will effect your impression on people and your grades.
5. Don't ever complain about it in front of your parents.
6. If it bothers you too much, talk to someone about it. Me and Piney, for example. But perhaps a friend who has been there too would be good.
7. Accept things as they are once you can.

The most important thing is to not let it affect your whole life. It's better to move along. For a long time, I didn't understand why they wanted to be separated. I wasn't too happy when they both re-married, but now I know that they are much happier. What makes me truly sad is my sister doesn't like our new step-dad, and she hates change. She can't seem to grasp why it ever happened. I don't want you to end up hanging on to it for almost 10 years like she did.

Then again, this is for all of you with divorced parents. Hope it helped out!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Shy to be who you are?

Hi! Chilepanda here. Have you ever had one of those times when you're afraid to act the way you would because you're afraid of what others may think? I know I certainly have! I still do. But let me tell you, there is never a happier time than when you are yourself. If you feel crazy, let it out! You'll feel great! Of course, if it's curing a test or something, you may wanna hold it in. :P

The best solution is do just do what suits you. Don't do anything that will make you uncomfortable just to look better, worse, to impress, etc. You should do what you think is good or fun. Don't be afraid to be yourself! This also includes don't be saying your ugly, overweight, and such. You should also dress your personality! Don't wear belly shirts if you don't like them. Don't wear super short skirts if you don't like them. Don't dress the way everyone thinks you should, dress how you want! Do activities you want!

Don't smoke just because everyone else is doing it. Only if you really truly want to! But I don't recommend it XD. SO hopefully you got something outta this. By the way, if this information doesn't help, don't blame me. I'm a little new at this stuff, but I have a lot to say!


Welcome to Prancing Through Life, an advice blog that Chilepanda and I have made.

The life of a teenage girl isn't always easy - it definitely has it's ups and downs. And sometimes, we all need someone (or in this case, two people) to turn to. Well, here's the place to go! If you have any questions on anything that you're having trouble with in life (like death, breakups, etc.) just tell us and we'll try to help you with your problem as best we can.

Advice from adults is great, but getting advice from people your age, who understand what you're going through, is better. So feel free to comment below with anything that might be burdening you, because remember: we're here to listen!

~~ **Pinestar/Ammie** and Chilepanda